MassDOT Winner of Safe Routes to School Bike Rack Grant - Jenkins Elementary!

Rain, snow, sleet, and sunshine do not deter the many bike riders, over 50 riders each day, heading to Jenkins School. Due to the high number of riders, the school has run out of bike parking spots. Town officials have stepped in to help ease the issue. Jenkins School was permitted to borrow bike racks usually used at the beach. To secure a long-term solution, Scituate Public Schools submitted a grant application to MassDOT to add more bike racks at the school.
This week, MassDOT announced that Jenkins School has received the Safe Routes to School Bike Grant! This grant will provide the school with five new bike racks. Out of 60 applicants, Jenkins School was one of only three awarded grants. Mrs. Oldach and members of the Jenkins community will be able to customize the five new bike racks, each holding six bikes. The goal is to have the new racks installed by June.
Read MassDOT’s press release here